

(틀림없이) '...일 것이다', '...임에 틀림없다'라는 의미로 '당연한 추정'을 표현할 때 사용합니다. 부정문은 cannot (...일 리가 없다)를 사용합니다.

You must be joking. (농담이겠지) = You cannot be serious. (진담일 리가 없어)

He must be busy, otherwise he would have come.

Judging from what he said in his letter, he must have known it all along. (그의 편지로 미루어보건데 그는 그 사실을 쭉 알고 있었음에 틀림없다)

He must have drunk a lot. He couldn't even remember his phone number.

It must have been an unpleasant experience for him.

You must be very proud of your son.

We must have a bad connection. (전화 연결 상태가 이상 한 게 틀림없어요)