wordsmith.org 최신영어 단어들 메일로 받아보기..메일링리스트


메일링리스트에 가입을 하시면 최신영어단어를 보내줍니다.

샘플은 아래를 참고하세요.

This week's theme: words from Yiddish.

schmooze, schmoose, or schmoos (shmooz) verb intr.

  To chat, especially in order to gain an advantage or to make
  a social or business connection with an influential person.


  A gossipy or ingratiating chat.

[From Yiddish shmues (chat, gossip), from Hebrew shemuah (reports, rumor).]

Today's word in Visual Thesaurus: http://visualthesaurus.com/?w1=schmooze

-Anu Garg (gargATwordsmith.org)

  "Of course, there are exclusives in all newspapers that are genuinely
  a result of hard work by reporters, either through digging or just
  schmoozing with politicians."
  Anne Davies; Truth Loses When Only Half the Story Will Do; The Sydney
  Morning Herald (Australia); Jul 3, 2006.

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